The EE260 humidity and temperature probe with heated humidity sensing element and probe heating delivers precise and reliable measuring results even at high humidity conditions.
Measuring Performance
The EE260 humidity and temperature probe has a dual heating system (sensing element and probe heating). This prevents condensation on the RH sensing element, the sensing head and the filter cap. The probe therefore provides precise and reliable measurement results even in the case of permanent high humidity.
Another benefit of the dual heating system is the very short response time and a fast recovery after condensation.
The E+E sensor coating improves the long-term stability and service life in dusty and corrosive environments.
Compact and Robust
The innovative enclosure of the EE260 combines a heated humidity sensing head and an additional temperature sensing element in a single probe.
Due to its compact design, the probe is compatible with commercially available rotationally symmetric sensor radiation shields.
The robust IP67 enclosure made of UV- and heat-resistant elastomer protects the internal electronics from environmental influences and mechanical damage.
Analogue and Digital
The EE260 probe provides the measured data simultaneously on two freely configurable voltage outputs and via the RS485 interface (Modbus RTU).
Based on the measured humidity and temperature values, the EE260 calculates further humidity-related quantities such as the dew point temperature, absolute humidity or mixing ratio.
Typical Applications
Unique probe design with integrated T sensor
Unique probe design with integrated T sensor
RH and T sensing element